Finding God in a crisis
Whatever situation has brought you to this page, we believe that God is already there, supporting you, loving you and you can rely on God to have found you when you need it most of all.
The parable of the Lost Sheep tells us that God will go and look for each individual who is lost. God is looking for you. Matthew 18:vv12-14; Luke 15:vv3-7. The parable of the prodigal son also tells us that God will forgive and celebrate when those who are lost to God, return to God. God will be happy when you return. Luke 15:vv11-32.
This page seeks to provide you with ways to find God's love and support, when you need it most. There are also links to resources and organisations that are available and set up specifically to help you in your situation.
Help to find Christian faith:
If you want to contact us, then please do. Use the Contact Us link and we will respond to you as soon as we can. This website is managed by part-time volunteers so it may take a little while for us to reply. You may wish us to just pray about your situation. If you need your questions answered more urgently, please use the links below to find 24 hour support and services.
We've tried to provide as many of these as we can that will help you find support at anytime and if we've missed your situation, we pray that you can forgive us and that you will tell us afterwards where you found help.

Help for children:
Help for families;
Help for women;
Help for men:
Help for the bereaved:
Help for the suicidal:
Help for ex-offenders:
Other sources of support & helpful information
NHS online
BBC Actionline
UK Government
When you are at your lowest, when you feel unable to cope, lean on God. Talk to God in prayer. Ask God to be with you. God will not let you down. God loves you. God blesses you. God gave us Jesus to show us the way. Follow the teachings of Jesus. God's Holy Spirit will fill your heart. The Holy Spirit will live in you.