Mission and Vision
Mission Statement
Matlock Methodist and United Reformed Church
Mission Statement is:
Changing lives to find peace, respect and friendship in the love of God.
To deliver on this mission MMURC seeks to be a place:
Where everyone is welcome
Where the joy of the love of God shines out
From where the Good News of the saving grace of Jesus Christ is spread
Where there is rest, refreshment and peace in a caring, praying community
Where Christian worship, prayer, Biblical teaching and service are paramount
Where the blessing of the Holy Spirit rests on everyone
and thereby follows the principles of the Methodist and United Reformed Churches.

A Methodist Way of Life
The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission.
As far as we are able, with God’s help:
We will pray daily.
We will worship with others regularly.
We will look and listen for God in Scripture, and the world.
Learning and Caring
We will care for ourselves and those around us.
We will learn more about our faith.
We will practise hospitality and generosity.
We will help people in our communities and beyond.
We will care for creation and all God’s gifts.
We will challenge injustice.
We will speak of the love of God.
We will live in a way that draws others to Jesus.
We will share our faith with others.
May we be a blessing within and beyond God’s Church, for the transformation of the world.
Mission and Outreach
Our Mission and Outreach activities have been themed since 2013 and for 2022 our theme is Action.
The Methodist Church is committed to being a growing, evangelistic, inclusive, justice-seeking Church – so that new people become disciples of Jesus Christ, faith deepens for everyone, and diverse communities and churches experience transformation.
“Evangelism” comes from a biblical Greek word that literally means “good news”. All Christians – not just some – are called to listen for, speak of, and live out the good news. We all have good news to share!
This vision of growth is only going to be realised by taking actions. Actions that will provide opportunities to share about and explore faith in Jesus Christ. Actions that invite and allow people to take a leap of faith, or even a small step to begin to know Jesus.
In 2022 we will be working and praying to take actions that deliver on our mission to help grow the Kingdom of God here on earth particularly in and around Matlock

Photo by Kid Circus on Unsplash
Previous Themes:
2013 Family : 2014 Friendship : 2015 Challenge : 2016 New Beginnings : 2017 Journeying with God : 2018 Reaching Out : 2019 Reflections : 2020 Hope : 2021 Prayer