Our online quizzes return at 7pm this coming Friday 21st January.
Image by Shahid Abdullah from Pixabay
It's nearly time to pit your team's knowledge against the other teams in the online FUNdraising quiz as we return next Friday.
People can join in from anywhere, worldwide, so long as there is an internet connection and they have a suitable device. Please invite others into your team or have their own team from around the world (or around the corner) to join in for the quiz.
It is the same format as previously including that free will donations are invited and this first quiz is in aid of Church Funds.
The instructions for the quiz are above and include how to make your donation if you are able to.
Please let us know your teams in advance, before FRIDAY 21st JANUARY starting 7:00pm to log on for 7:30pm quiz start.
ZOOM link & details available below. We will be asking about the date for the next quiz, so please have your diaries available.
We really hope that this will allow more of you to join in and have fun. Will new champions be crowned? It could be YOU? GOOD LUCK.