Prayer is communication with God and anyone can pray. Jesus taught about prayer and gave us a prayer to use in Matthew 6:9-13.
Prayer is at the centre of Christian life and to experience God's answer to prayers is a true blessing when it is recognised as such. The prayer life of our Church is forever important to us as Christians seeking to communicate clearly with God. There can be times when prayers are answered straight away and others when the answers to prayers require patience and come in time. Whichever it is, it is certain that God hears our prayers and answers each one. We seek always to offer to pray for those in need as well as to give thanks to God for His wondrous gifts to us all.
Prayer forms one of the largest parts of our Christian witness and as Christians we all turn to God in prayer for personal circumstances, for all those whom we know and especially for the needs of the world. We ask that the Holy Spirit will move among us and guide us to do God's will.
The Prayer Ministry Team is made up of local people from the congregation of Matlock Methodist & United Reformed Church who offer to pray for anyone who requests prayer, in the form of a prayer chain. The Prayer Chain members receive a message for prayer and immediately pray for the circumstance and then contact others in the Chain to also pray.
There is an area set aside in Church for praying, with prayer prompts, such as candles and note making facilities. `Before each Sunday Worship Service a group gather here to pray together.

The Lords' Prayer:
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom,
The power and the glory,
For ever and ever,
Prayer Requests
MMURC prayer chain is set up as a text (and if you prefer an email) chain where we share prayer requests from our church, our community and beyond.
We accept all prayers whether it be prayers of praise, prayers for healing or anything that is on your mind that you would like us to pray for.
Prayers can be requested by texting or emailing Rachel Barclay and these will be shared amongst prayer chain members.
We would also like to invite Church members to our prayer chain, all we ask is that you pray for the specific requests as and when you can. Please contact Rachel who will add you to the list.

Weekly Circuit Prayers​
We're currently holding weekly prayers open to anyone from within or without the Mid-Derbyshire Circuit
Wednesday @ 8pm on Zoom.
The prayers are led by one of those attending, though not everyone who attends has to do this. The evenings generally start with led prayer and reflection moving into a time for the participants to pray together about the issues and people on their hearts.
Please contact us for more information.
Our prayer chain is available to everyone. If you need prayer we have a dedicated team waiting to pray for you. Please get in contact.